Or “How I caused myself an outage lasting two entire days and the solution was to go way back”

Getting started

The first step to migrating the existing infrastructure to a Terraform configuration is to enumerate the existing services in use, in this case those are:

  • AWS Amplify
  • Route53|


We can get our current Amplify config by running aws amplify list-apps, which returns the following at the time of writing:

    "apps": [
            "appId": "d7nor59k0dnuf",
            "appArn": "arn:aws:amplify:us-east-1:054064245949:apps/d7nor59k0dnuf",
            "name": "veritasVeniat",
            "tags": {},
            "repository": "https://github.com/UsernameTaken420/veritasVeniat",
            "platform": "WEB",
            "createTime": "2023-01-26T22:37:24.621000-03:00",
            "updateTime": "2023-01-26T22:56:35.631000-03:00",
            "environmentVariables": {
                "_CUSTOM_IMAGE": "amplify:al2"
            "defaultDomain": "d7nor59k0dnuf.amplifyapp.com",
            "enableBranchAutoBuild": false,
            "enableBranchAutoDeletion": false,
            "enableBasicAuth": false,
            "customRules": [
                    "source": "https://veritasveniat.com",
                    "target": "https://www.veritasveniat.com",
                    "status": "302"
                    "source": "/<*>",
                    "target": "/index.html",
                    "status": "404-200"
            "productionBranch": {
                "lastDeployTime": "2024-07-03T20:33:56.578000-03:00",
                "status": "SUCCEED",
                "branchName": "master"
            "buildSpec": "version: 1\nfrontend:\n  phases:\n    build:\n      commands:\n        - hugo\n  artifacts:\n    baseDirectory: public\n    files:\n      - '**/*'\n  cache:\n    paths: []\n",
            "customHeaders": "",
            "enableAutoBranchCreation": false,
            "repositoryCloneMethod": "TOKEN"

Dissecting this block, the following variables are out of our control given they’re defined when the app is created:

  • appId
  • appArn
  • createTime and updateTime
  • defaultDomain
  • lastDeployTime is updated as the repository for the app receives new commits and the app is updated to match

Porting everything else to a Terraform configuration nets us the following:

resource "aws_amplify_app" "veritasveniat" {
	name = "veritasveniat"
	repository = "https://github.com/UsernameTaken420/veritasVeniat"
	platform = "WEB"

	custom_rule {
		source = "/<*>"
		status = "404-200"
		target = "/index.html"

	custom_rule {
		source = "https://veritasveniat.com"
		status = 302
		target = "https://www.veritasveniat.com"

	environment_variables = {
		ENV = "test"
		"_CUSTOM_IMAGE" = "amplify:al2"
	build_spec = <<-EOT
	  version: 1
                 - hugo
              baseDirectory: public
                - '**/*'
              paths: []


First let’s make an inventory of our Hosted Zones with aws route53 list-hosted-zones

    "HostedZones": [
            "Id": "/hostedzone/Z037571824QZQP8EPCYRE",
            "Name": "veritasveniat.com.",
            "CallerReference": "RISWorkflow-RD:f98e522f-2162-44df-aa73-3e6c02f5e7aa",
            "Config": {
                "Comment": "HostedZone created by Route53 Registrar",
                "PrivateZone": false
            "ResourceRecordSetCount": 5
            "Id": "/hostedzone/Z03738923J4OLEX8M45GG",
            "Name": "veritasveniat.com.",
            "CallerReference": "78855c8f-4eb6-4283-84c7-781d18ad4b6f",
            "Config": {
                "Comment": "",
                "PrivateZone": false
            "ResourceRecordSetCount": 2

Aside from this, we also must remember that we use a custom domain that is associated with Amplify, this takes us to the current state of the terraform file:

terraform {
	required_providers {
		aws = {
			source = "hashicorp/aws"
			version = "~> 5.0"

provider "aws" {
	region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_amplify_app" "veritasveniat" {
	name = "veritasveniat"
	repository = "https://github.com/UsernameTaken420/veritasVeniat"
	platform = "WEB"
	access_token = [REDACTED]

	custom_rule {
		source = "/<*>"
		status = "200"
		target = "/index.html"

	custom_rule {
		source = "https://veritasveniat.com"
		status = 302
		target = "https://www.veritasveniat.com"

	environment_variables = {
		ENV = "test"
		"_CUSTOM_IMAGE" = "amplify:al2"
	build_spec = <<-EOT
version: 1
        - hugo
    baseDirectory: public
      - "**/*"
    paths: []

resource "aws_amplify_branch" "master" {
	app_id = aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat.id
	branch_name = "master"

resource "aws_amplify_domain_association" "domainAssociation" {
	app_id = aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat.id
	domain_name = "veritasveniat.com"

	# https://veritasveniat.com
	sub_domain {
		branch_name = aws_amplify_branch.master.branch_name
		prefix = ""
	# https://www.veritasveniat.com
	sub_domain {
		branch_name = aws_amplify_branch.master.branch_name
		prefix = "www"

And now for the test of fire… manually deleting the existing app and checking it kicks up correctly. Frankly, I’m half scared to death it’s not gonna work and I’ll have to ClickOps my way back into functionality.

Addendum: had to add the following custom_rule to make the 404 page behave correctly:

custom_rule {
	source = "/<*>"
	status = "404"
	target = "/404"


It wasn’t so easy after all! As soon as we run terraform apply we’re hit with an error after some 20 seconds of running:

Error: waiting for Amplify Domain Association (d3oq0ofmdltzio/veritasveniat.com) verification: unexpected state 'AWAITING_APP_CNAME', wanted target 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT, AVAILABLE'. last error: %!s(<nil>)
│   with aws_amplify_domain_association.domainAssociation,
│   on main.tf line 63, in resource "aws_amplify_domain_association" "domainAssociation":
│   63: resource "aws_amplify_domain_association" "domainAssociation" {

This can be quickly fixed by adding depends_on = [ resource.aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat ] to the amplify domain association.

However, the app is up and running on AWS, just… not actually deploying at all? Seems the master branch is not actually set up as the production branch for the application.

After manually setting up the production branch to master and running a deployment we see the site actually builds and deploys just fine, until you actually check what it looks like, at least.

To remedy the production branch problem, we edit the aws_amplify_branch resource to:

resource "aws_amplify_branch" "master" {
	app_id = aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat.id
	branch_name = "master"
	stage = "PRODUCTION"
	framework = "Hugo"

Seems that apparently now there’s a native Github App for Amplify for us to use instead of OAuth and we’re prompted for a migration. A prompt mentioning the deletion of any old webhooks and the addition of the Github App’s is shown, but luckily for us we have no active webhooks on our app! (we can check with aws amplify list-webhooks --app-id [appId])

What the scss?

Our new problem is not being able actually finish deploying due to the following error:

2024-09-02T18:27:31.987Z [WARNING]: Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/fuji.scss" (text/x-scss): resource "scss/scss/fuji.scss_c63600327b20d2d8975b827d4bd1220e" not found in file cache

Most google results point to this being an issue with either the image in use not having the correct version of Go installed or using a non-Extended version of Hugo. As it turns out, the problem was us all along! The original version of the site was built with the image "amplify:al2", so by removing that from the environment variables, the site now builds with the default version of Amazon Linux 2023.

After fighting about a trillion failed file integrity check commits (check the repo’s commit history, it’s hilarious… not) I realized my main problem was having edited the source file for the theme’s javascript, resulting in the file’s SHA 512 at the moment not matching the expected one for anything else in the site. Here I had to get humbled and roll back around ~20 commits trying to fix it by hand, being careful not to revert any actually functional or content-having commits along the way.

The final file

Here’s the final code that is deployed right now:


variable "hugo-version" {
    type = string
    default = "v0.133.1"


terraform {
	required_providers {
		aws = {
			source = "hashicorp/aws"
			version = "~> 5.0"

provider "aws" {
	region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_amplify_app" "veritasveniat" {
	name = "veritasveniat"
	repository = "https://github.com/UsernameTaken420/veritasVeniat"
	platform = "WEB"
	access_token = [REDACTED]

	custom_rule {
		source = "/<*>"
		status = "404"
		target = "/404"

	custom_rule {
		source = "https://veritasveniat.com"
		status = 302
		target = "https://www.veritasveniat.com"

	build_spec = <<-EOT
version: 1
        - wget https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v${var.hugo-version}/hugo_extended_${var.hugo-version}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
        - tar --overwrite -xf hugo_extended_${var.hugo-version}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz hugo
        - mv hugo /usr/bin/hugo
        - rm -rf hugo_extended_${var.hugo-version}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
        - hugo version
        - hugo
    baseDirectory: public
      - "**/*"
    paths: []

resource "aws_amplify_branch" "master" {
	app_id = aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat.id
	branch_name = "master"
	stage = "PRODUCTION"
	framework = "Hugo"
	enable_auto_build = true

	depends_on = [ resource.aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat ]

resource "time_sleep" "wait_40_seconds" {
	depends_on = [ resource.aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat ]
	create_duration = "40s"

resource "aws_amplify_domain_association" "domainAssociation" {
	app_id = aws_amplify_app.veritasveniat.id
	domain_name = "veritasveniat.com"

	# https://veritasveniat.com
	sub_domain {
		branch_name = aws_amplify_branch.master.branch_name
		prefix = ""
	# https://www.veritasveniat.com
	sub_domain {
		branch_name = aws_amplify_branch.master.branch_name
		prefix = "www"

	depends_on = [ resource.time_sleep.wait_40_seconds ]